Hello, I’m Cara. Up until very recently, I felt like I was floating through life with no purpose, meaning, or real potential. I thought some people were lucky and some people weren’t, that some people just had something ‘special’ about them whilst others didn’t. I believed that we were all ‘fixed’ as people and couldn’t change much about ourselves. I thought that overthinking, stress, shyness, low self-esteem, and feeling unattractive all the time were just part of me, and that was that.

What we aren’t taught growing up is that we are able to grow and change when we harness the power of our minds. We don’t have to stay stuck, feeling just ‘okay’ about ourselves and we can step into a more confident, happy and fulfilled person.
Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) is something I discovered a few years ago and it is absolutely incredible. A simple way to describe how it works is that our minds are like computer programs, and they have been ‘programmed’ to be a certain way due to what we have experienced throughout our lives. But just as we can clear out software that is outdated or has bugs on a computer, we can do the same with our minds. We can let go of the fears, insecurities, and doubts that are holding us back from living the life we deserve.
Here are some examples of what I mean by this:
One of my recent clients came to me because she had imposter syndrome in a new leadership role at work – never feeling good enough, unable to share her thoughts in meetings, always putting herself down and struggling to switch off outside of work as a result. Through NLP coaching sessions, we have now got her to a place where she knows she is good enough and worthy of her role, she shares her voice with ease in meetings, feels great about herself, and has great work life balance.
Another example is one of my clients who was stuck in an unhealthy relationship, she hated what she saw in the mirror, and was stuck in a job that didn’t fulfil her. Again, through NLP coaching sessions, we got her to a place where she truly started loving herself inside and out. She felt beautiful, left the unhealthy relationship, and now has plans to change her career path.
With both of these clients, this change was possible because we addressed the root cause of their struggles within their own minds. This leads to permanent results as opposed to quick fixes.
So many people are stuck living lives that aren’t fulfilling them, believing that change is impossible. However, it is not that you as a person can’t change; it’s just that you can’t with your current mindset. Once you do the work to transform your mindset through NLP, you can transform your life.
If you are interested in finding out how NLP coaching sessions might be able to help you, you can book a free discovery with me through the link below. There is no obligation to book a session with me after this call; it’s just to see if it’s the right fit!