4 tips to keep your feet happy and looking lovely this spring

The sunshine makes us get outside in our open toed shoes… but how do we get our feet looking and feeling worthy of such luxury? Here’s a few points to start out with.

1. Stay Comfortable

Wear shoes that fit. This means the toe box should be wide enough, the length should be long enough and for comfort, there should be enough padding to ensure your soles won’t take a pounding. If you like to get about without footwear, that’s no problem – it allows your feet to be foot shaped which they’ll love.

*note that I do not recommend going bare foot if you are diabetic

2. Moisturise

The more we get our feet out, the more dry they can become. I recommend a good quality foot cream with urea to be applied daily. If you suffer from cracked heels, callus or very dry skin, application more than once per day will help you get that supple skin back.

3. Exercise

Keep moving in the warmer weather. Enjoy a long walk, a swim at the local pool or a nice cycle ride on your local pathways. Now that you’ve got the right fitting shoes, all of your outdoor activities should be more enjoyable. Treat yourself to a gentle foot massage at the end of your activity. Spreading your toes out and gently manipulating your joints can give relief to any stiffness or cramping.

4. Looks Aren’t Everything

Many people don’t like the look of their feet – and there may be help for what ails you. Thickened toenails can be reduced regularly giving more comfort and better appearance. Athlete’s foot and infections can be treated giving relief to itching or burning sensation. Fungal nails aren’t necessarily what they seem and in fact may only be the result of a trauma to the nail so spending money on over-the-counter relief won’t work. See a foot health professional to diagnose and help get your feet looking worthy of this open toed shoes.

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body and can affect so many other things, so apart from wanting them to look good, it really is important to keep them in great shape. And sometimes, all it takes is a few simple feet treatments and a little care to make a big difference.

If you have any issues or concerns about your feet, get in touch. Call or make an appointment and let’s get your best foot forward.
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