Do you struggle with headaches? And have you ever tried acupuncture points?

Headaches… you’ve almost certainly had at least one in your lifetime and maybe you’re one of the unlucky ones who suffer from them far more than others. They can be debilitating and painful, with described pain levels ranging from ‘annoying’ to ‘excruciating’. Your first port of call is possibly to reach for a painkilling pill of some kind, but a better initial response would be to drink a large glass of water because dehydration is one of the most overlooked causes of this type of pain.

Self-help acupressure points
After that I’d recommend acupressure on a point known as GV 20 and also called The Point of a Hundred Meetings. This is very easy to find – it’s situated on the top of the head. If you draw an imaginary line up and over the head between the tips of the ears and another one back up the head from the tip of the nose, the point is found where these two lines would intersect.

Using the index finger to press down gently on this point, circle in both directions for three minutes – that’s all there is to it. Acupressure is something you can do for yourself whenever it’s needed and wherever you are.

Ancient Chinese advice
Classic Chinese texts wrote that this acupuncture point can be helpful in dealing with dizziness, eye pain, irritability, feelings of disconnection, lack of concentration prolapse and haemorrhoids.

You will also find it recommended by people practicing the ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ and they will tap this point to help with anxiety attacks. And contact me if you’d like to know more about the Chinese texts and acupuncture points for nausea, sleep and inducing labour.

Always take advice
As with all these self-help blogs, please remember that the above is no substitute for appropriate medical treatment. If you’re constantly experiencing headaches, the advice would always be to get yourself checked by your GP – think of acupressure as an additional item for your wellbeing toolkit.

And for an informal chat about acupressure point charts, acupuncture and how acupuncture works, contact me for a free phone consultation on 01444 616797.

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