So how’s 2016 turning out for you? Not great so far? Well time to spring into action!

We’re now two months into 2016. Have you achieved what you wanted to so far or are you finding that you’re doing the same old things and getting the same old results?

In the winter we tend to feel like we’re just surviving, but now that the spring is coming, it’s a good time to start being more proactive and taking those all important steps towards achieving what it is that you want.

Step 1. Breathe in new life and renew your energy levels

Feeling tired and weary? Get outside and breathe in:

  • Breathe in the fresh air and regenerate your body to function more effectively.
  • Put a spring in your step and improve your general wellbeing, giving you more energy to do the things you love.
  • Listen to the birds in the trees looking for food and for mates.
  • Enjoy the lambs playing in the fields, the daffodils and the spring bulbs blossoming.
  • Feel the warmth of the sun on your face as it shines brighter and feels warmer.

Step 2. De-clutter
De-cluttering what you don’t need in your life and allowing space for the new is a great way to get started. You’ll feel inspired and refreshed.

Step 3. What’s holding you back?
Identify what you want to achieve and what’s stopping you from achieving it? A lot of the time, we ignore what isn’t working well and just do what feels good. But this can cause imbalance. Embrace what it is that needs some tender, loving thoughts or needs action by you and start turning a negative into positive. At first it may seem impossible but by having a vision, believing that you can make the change and having good support to help you on the journey could make all the difference.

Step 4. Make the most of what works for you
What do you do well? Use these skills to help you pursue and achieve other goals in your life. Make your goals exciting and inspiring – look at pictures or put up reminders of what it will be like when you have achieved what you want in life.

Step 5. Step forward
Take the first step towards your goals, trust yourself and believe in yourself. You’ll get there one step at a time.

Finding it difficult? Are you looking for a Personal Life Coach in Haywards Heath? Contact Jenny Sladen today for personal coach training, fees and other details.

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