Our spring gardener’s tips and how to guide to healthy relationships

Is there a relationship that you’ve neglected?

Spring is an ideal time for reviewing relationships and making sure that they’re healthy. With new life blossoming all around, comes a collective energy and hope for the future.. perhaps due in part to lighter and longer days and the fact that we’re able to spend more time outside enjoying the fresh air.

So alongside cleaning and decorating jobs that are often done in the spring, how about undertaking a gardening style approach to revitalise a relationship that may have become a little bit stale, unhealthy or has simply been taken for granted over the long winter.

What makes a good relationship and which of yours needs your attention?

Relationships ​are generally grouped according to type and may include intimate, family, close friends, colleagues, casual friends and acquaintances. Our commitment to each of these groups varies, according to time and vested interest. Give some thought to your own relationships and consider the ones that really matter to you; the ones you value the most for whatever reason.

How to make sure your relationships are good

As you reflect on the many relationships you enjoy, here are a few tips to help you say good bye to what isn’t working and hello to a fresh approach:

  1. How about a spot of​ ​pruning? Removing any dead wood and branches promotes open, healthy growth. Perhaps now is the time to cut back on prickly, thorny and tangled relationships in order to see the path ahead more clearly.
  2. Consider the benefits of weeding ​​out those so called friendships that are pernicious and energy depleting.
  3. With the tricky tasks accomplished comes a sense of relief, allowing you more time to focus on nurturing valued relationships. It takes minimal effort to offer some comfort, kind words, and a genuine smile or gesture ­ and the rewards are great. You will reap what you sow.
  4. Handle the seedlings of fragile​ ​or difficult relationships ​​with care and pay particular attention to the delicate flowers less hardy than yourself. Nourish them with a gentle but direct and consistent approach, in order to encourage independence. You cannot always be there to support them; facilitating resilience will help them ­ and your relationship, to thrive for more than just one season.
  5. Share tasks, cooperate, discuss and work together ­ this halves the load and makes more time for fun!
  6. The signs all point to happy relationships

    Follow these tips for a win win situation to growing healthier relationships everyone can benefit from a fresh and rejuvenating start. Enjoy the spring sunshine ­ with our unpredictable climate and busy lives, we have to seize gardening opportunities whenever we can!

    Looking for advice on healthy relationships? Contact Helen Brown at The Clinic at Borde Hill for more help to grow healthier relationships. Fill out our online inquiry form or call on 01444 616797 today.
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