Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method of changing a person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions to help them achieve their desired outcomes. 

‘Neuro’ refers to your brain, ‘Linguistic’ refers to the language we use with others and our self-talk, and ‘Programming’ refers to the unconscious habits we develop over time. Essentially, NLP explores the connection between your mind, language, and behaviour to help you understand and change the patterns that influence your life.

NLP can help you become a better version of yourself in various roles, such as a leader, trainer, business owner, or just as you are in everyday life! It’s like having a user manual for your brain, providing tools and techniques to enhance your confidence, effectiveness, and happiness.

How Does NLP Work?

NLP is like a set of ‘apps’ for your brain that can help you think and behave differently. Just as you download new apps on your phone to perform specific tasks, NLP teaches you new ways to use your brain to achieve your goals. By understanding and modifying your internal processes, you can improve your communication, manage your emotions, and overcome what’s holding you back. 

A Brief History of NLP:

NLP was created in the 1970s by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They aimed to understand why certain people achieved excellent results and how to replicate those successes. They studied various experts and developed techniques based on their findings. Over time, NLP has incorporated insights from many fields, including psychology and linguistics.

How Can NLP Help You?

  • Improve your mood, find yourself in a positive state of mind, and experience better days more often.
  • Step into your most confident, empowered, and successful version of yourself
  • Adopt a more positive and resilient mindset that improves your outcomes
  • Let go of the fears, doubts and insecurities that hold you back in life
  • Improve your self-image and self-esteem
  • Achieve your goals

What to Expect:

In your sessions with Cara Hawkins, you will explore various NLP techniques tailored to your needs. Cara will guide you through exercises that help reprogram your mind, allowing you to overcome challenges and achieve lasting change. The techniques are practical and results-oriented, ensuring you see real improvements in your life.

If you’re ready to transform your mindset and achieve lasting change, NLP with Cara can provide the necessary tools and support.

Free 30-Minute Discovery Call 

If you’re considering working with Cara, use the link below to schedule a free discovery call. This call will help you understand how the process works and determine if it fits both of you. You’re not obligated to commit after the call.


  • 9.00 am – 9.00 pm Monday to Friday 
  • In-person and online appointments are available 


  • 12-session package – £72 a session 
  • 6 Session Package – £80 a session 
  • Single sessions are also available depending on what you are after

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