Facial Reflexology in West Sussex
Facial Reflexology incorporates reflexology techniques, using light finger pressure across the face, together with mama pressure points, as well as lymph drainage gentle massage techniques to the face and neck. It takes inspiration from many historical facial maps but combines this with modern reflexology knowledge.
The overall effect is deeply soothing, stimulating the muscles of the face to relax, improving blood flow, and encouraging puffiness. The treatment session incorporates cleansing and toning to maximise the benefits of applying the highest-quality Apricot or Peach kernel oil.
For the most significant effect, this gentle form of reflexology, by Paula Minto, can be combined with Indian Head Massage, Ear Candling, or Foot Reflexology.
Fees & Availabilities
- Facial Reflexology Fees £45
- Treatment Length 45 Minutes
If you’d like to book an appointment or discuss with Paula, please call 01444 616797 or email info@clinicatbordehill.com