Do you need an Osteopath or a Chiropractor?

A commonly asked question is what is the difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor? There is a lot of cross-over between the two disciplines and both forms of treatment have similar goals. The main aim of both is to relieve aches and pains. They can both also sometimes help improve other problems such as issues with circulation, digestion or headaches.

The health of your spine

Both types of treatment focus on the condition and health of your spine as being important for your overall health. Both will also involve asking you questions and finding out more about you and what’s wrong, and then observing and touching your back and neck.

The theoretical difference between the two can appear quite subtle but it is mainly the style of treatment which you’ll notice as different. Which one you need will depend on a combination of things including you, your preferences and whatever it is that you’re struggling with.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy focuses on the relationship between the musculoskeletal system and overall health. It then uses hands-on therapy such as soft-tissue massage, manipulations and exercises to improve function, health and imbalance. The aim is to positively affect the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Osteopaths look more at the whole body and skeleton and focus on its structure and will treat a broad range of disorders. They often focus more on muscle and soft tissue work or manipulating other joints in the body, rather than just the spine.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic treatment focuses on the structure of the spine, how it functions, and how it affects the musculoskeletal and neurological system. It also focuses on muscle and joint pain.

Again, chiropractic also uses hands-on therapy and the main focus of this is on making adjustments to the spine and joints to realign specific segments or joints and to restore and improve the interactions between the spine and the nervous system.

By realigning the spine, it relieves pain by preventing pinched nerves or other issues with the nervous system. Again, this helps to improve function and health.

Choosing the right professional

The above statements are a generalisation of both forms of treatment as some osteopaths treat very similarly to chiropractors and some chiropractors treat very similar to osteopaths. As the patient it is important to know what treatment style the practitioner chooses to use and whether that style suits your needs.

If you’re still not sure which type of treatment is best for you, why not call us. We offer both types of treatment so we’re able to offer you unbiased and professional advice about which may be more suitable for you.

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