Are you managing to give the impression of calm serenity on the surface, when underneath you are struggling to stay afloat?

What is stress?
Although our experiences of stress are subjective, a general definition is:​ “has become the go to word to describe uncomfortable feelings associated with a physiological, emotional and psychological state that we experience when we perceive that excessive demands are being made on us that we cannot cope with.”

​Uncomfortable feelings are exacerbated by our natural fight or flight mechanism constantly being activated, sending stress hormones around the body, resulting in a semi-permanent state of high alert, often leading to anxiety and panic.

Are you anxious, irritable or worse?
Are you trying to cope with symptoms such as anxiety and panic, mood swings, irritability, physical tension, back pain, IBS, insomnia, busy mind and racing thoughts, alcohol cravings​ and accepting this as part of life or your particular personality… “That’s just the way I am…?” Because one or more of these symptoms points to ​STRESS… and help is available!

A different approach to stress
A holistic approach is generally the most effective for dealing with stress in the long term. Exploring diet, work/leisure balance, family and other relationships, money concerns ­ will all be touched on in an initial consultation with counsellor, Helen Brown. ​ ​

The concept of Mindfulness​ is also introduced in this first session, to help and encourage you to learn to bring awareness to thoughts that are likely to exacerbate stressful feelings: to connect more with your physical body and to begin teaching breathing skills ­ all useful for effective relaxation.

Talking through the possible catalysts for stress, then creating a plan of action with a supportive therapist is a great way to understand and manage stress. Exploring what can be altered in a busy life schedule from a practical point of view, as well as learning to notice unhelpful thoughts, apply certain strategies and practising mindful techniques will all contribute to a different perspective on stress. This type of approach may also lead to some major life changing decisions, which reduce stress so substantially, that it can become a forgotten concept!

Some simple instant stress relieving strategies:

  • Find a quiet space ­ remove yourself from all electronic devices. If possible stand outside or take a short walk, preferably somewhere green, like a park or garden.
  • Take a few deep breaths of fresh air, making sure that you fill your lungs and then empty them completely.
  • Say a few soothing words to yourself, such as ‘calm’, ‘safe’, ‘cosy’, ‘I’m ok’. Devise your own easy mantra to help you when you notice stress mounting.
  • Drink a glass of water.

Make an appointment to see me, ​Helen Brown​ ​at The Clinic at Borde Hill for an initial consultation, to discuss how we can work together to help you reduce stress for the long term.

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